Pain in my dreams

I think I’ve mentioned before that I don’t often have cerebral palsy in my dreams.  I’m usually able-bodied. It’s quite handy really,  given that I often dream about being chased by less than Friendly people.

Last night was different though.  My CP was the focal point of my dream.  In it I was feeling all the new and unpleasant pains I’ve been having under my big scars on my hips,  and the pain in the ball of my hip that’s been bothering me on and off for a couple of years now was also quite strong.  Probably because it did actually make it quite hard for me to get to sleep in the first place last night.

In the dream,  I was admitted to hospital and was having lots of x-rays and other tests done and getting very frustrated that no one seemed to be able to work out what was wrong or how to fix the problem.

It all felt so real.  The pain was the same as it always is in real life.  The hospital in my dream looked a lot like the one I go to.

At the time I don’t think I knew it waa a dream but at least I knew it was as soon as I woke up.

10 thoughts on “Pain in my dreams

  1. Sometimes I dream I walk around like before I lost most of my mobility. Other times the chronic pain seeps through my sleep and I then awake. I find dreams fascinating. Have you heard of lucid dreaming where you know you’re sleeping and can change your dreams?


      1. Do you think that may be your anxiety causing this? That is the case with me. Flooding dreams, being trapped by the rising sea; or being hounded by hostile people; or eternal mazes.


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