
Suddenly, my week just got a whole lot busier.

I’ve found out that I have a job interview on Thursday that I’m going to have to take two trains to get to and two trains to get home again. This doesn’t really bother me anymore. I book my assistance beforehand, as advised and things usually go pretty smoothly.

This time, I’m a bit nervous though because I’ll be travelling alone with my pots on. I can walk in them in the same way that I usually would, I just don’t know what the weather will do. If it’s bad, I could just don a pair of waterproof trousers to help them stay dry, but that won’t look very smart. I let my family draw all over the casts too, so I’ll have to make sure they are covered up too.

I’ve already decided that I’ll just get a taxi from the station to where I need to be so that I don’t have the added stress of trying to battle with bus routes I don’t know. Usually, I would check them out anyway so that I would know what they were like for future reference, but I think I’ll just play it safe and limit the amount of stress just this once. After what happened last time, I’ll be sure to specify exactly which station I want to be dropped off at on my way back. I’ve learned my lesson now. Thankfully, I didn’t have to learn it the hard way as such.

Then, on Friday, it’s back to the hospital I go for the next phase of my serial casting treatment. That’s when they take off the pots that I have on now so that they can check on the progress that the treatment is making. I’ll also be getting cast for some new splints: a pair of ankle AFO splints and a pair of night time spring splints. Once that’s been done, I’ll be heading straight back to the plaster room to get put into another round of casts. I’m not sure how long they will stay on or if they will be the last pair or not.

I shall update you all when I know anything.

10 thoughts on “Appointments

  1. Congrats on the job interview, wishing you loads of luck and hoping the weather will be kind to you. As for the drawings, perhaps the interviewer will sign them afterwards!!


  2. good luck for the interview!!!!
    and for Friday, I hated having casts changed when I was little, I hated the noise of the saw… my dad would take ear defenders with us!! Now I just think it feels weird when the casts first come off!


  3. ooh yeh… that always sparks off spasm for me!! I have to have a bowl of really warm water and some towels on stand by, so that when they come off I can wrap them up in hot towels to calm the spasms down, and it’s nice to give them a good wash after all that time in a cast!!


  4. Wasn’t sure what the pots were for but well done on the interview. Be positive, this jobs for you! I’ve got the vibes x


    1. Thanks Kath! The pots are just to relax the muscles in my ankles so that they won’t be as tight anymore and then they’ll be able to get my feet into a better position so any new splints I get shouldn’t rub x.


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