An emotionally draining weekend

I am falling asleep as I write this.  It is just past midnight on Monday morning and I an curled up in my bed ready to go to dreamland and bring an end to a very anxiety filled weekend.

I have a couple of appointments and deadlines coming up this week that I’ve been busy preparing for.

I also have to go somewhere new this week and that is always worry because I don’t know how easy it will be for me to navigate the public transport.

Even though I’ve already started working on the appropriate tasks and have almost completed most of them,  there is always this nagging thought that I’m not good enough.  That I’m not doing enough.

Some short story competitions close this week and most of ny submissions are ready, save for a few minor changes,  but I’m not sure I can bring myself to send them off.

I have an appointment with my physio that I’m dreading because I’m feeling tight in my legs.

I have a busy week.  I don’t know how it will go. I’m anxious.  Sometimes I get so anxious it’s hard to focus on making sure I do the things that are making me anxious to the best of my ability.

This is making my head spin. I’ll deal with all this later. Now is for sleep.

4 thoughts on “An emotionally draining weekend

  1. Sweet dreams. I hope a good sleep helps and tomorrow will bring the energy and focus you need to get through all the things you need to. I find it hard to be 100% or even just 80% happy with what I have done (we have just launched out fundraising campaign for the next 12 months) I could keep going almost forever making changes and not feeling completely happy and yet someone else reads it and things it is “perfect” and doesn’t understand what I am obsessing about 😉 I guess it is good to know that your not alone. Sometimes it is good to have the deadline there because it brings and end to it….otherwise it might never make it out of the “working n” status.
    I have to admit I feel the same sometimes – so anxious that Im not being very productive or efficient. I do find a good sleep helps (once you get to sleep and stop thinking about all those things making your head spin). Hope a good sleep helps you,


  2. You are not just good enough. You are wonderful, capable, smart, and talented. You will do very well. Don’t listen to those thoughts that tell you you’re not good enough. Say to yourself in the very strength of your soul that you are smart, capable, and wonderful.

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